Rapid Prototyping (and Production) Services

We don’t just make our own amazing things, but we make stuff for other companies and individuals too.

Whether you want a single part or want to take your idea to large-scale production, we’ve got you covered with our knowledge and industrial connections, both domestic and overseas, as well as in-house capabilities.

And we don’t just do gun design and production – we do all stuff and things – and at ridiculously competitive prices.

Conceptual and
Mechanical Design

Have a rough idea of what you want but need it fleshed out?
We got you, boo.

CAD and 3D Modeling

Not to brag, but we have some of the fastest and most accurate 3D modeling engineers available.

Part or Whole Assembly

We can do SLS Prints out of Nylon 12 and
Carbon Fiber Nylon 11 in 24 hours or less.
Need other materials? Of course we can do that, too.

Small or Large-Scale

100 Parts? Yep. 10,000 Parts? Yep.
1 Billionty-Thousand Parts? Sure, why not.
Whatever you need, we get it done.

Packaging and
Graphic Design

The box has to look pretty, doesn’t it?
We make boxes look like they’re going to Prom. And bags. And foam. And Tags. And… you get the idea.

Continued Support

Our work isn’t just a one-time affair. We always available for revisions or questions or resolutions. Except at 3am. Give us a break.